Work with us - RC Andersen
At RC Andersen, we love what we do. As industrial builders not only are we dedicated to delivering the best results for our clients, we are committed to providing a supportive work environment where every employee’s voice is heard and their ideas valued—setting us apart from other construction management firms. Learn more.
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Work With Us

At RC Andersen, we love what we do.

As industrial builders not only are we dedicated to delivering the best results for our clients, we are committed to providing a supportive work environment where every employee’s voice is heard and their ideas valued—setting us apart from other construction management firms.

By maintaining our principles of integrity, transparency, safety, and quality, we’ve built solid partnerships with clients and vendors while enriching our most valuable assets—our employees—with exciting opportunities to flourish and advance in their careers.

As we continue to grow and thrive, our reputation for excellence and commitment makes us a trusted name in the industry.

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“RC Andersen has the family feeling but at a corporate level. Although we do big, big work, we each still have a voice and it’s heard”.

- Jennings Soccorso-McCoy
Superintendent, and RC Andersen family member since 2020